Many young people are publishing there content online without thinking about the electronic footprint they leave behind.
Posting information on a websites such as Orkut, Facebook and Dekoh could come back to haunt millions of young people. The youngsters do not realize that the information they are posting on these websites make them traceable in the future. They even didn’t realize it, the information they are posting could be permanently linked to them.
Increasing number of education institutions and employers are using the internet as a tool to find potential employees and potential students. The cost to a person’s future can be high if something undesirable is found by them on these sites.
Millions of new pieces of information being added to the internet every day, many of them are very much personal, but this information are available for the entire world through search engine and social networking site.
As per the statement by senior executive at Facebook, that his company viewed privacy as a major issue. But I think this is not true, recently Facebook announced there new product "Facebook adds", in that he is going to share your personal information to the merchants, and give you specific adds according to your published information.

However, the popularity of websites such as Facebook and MySpace is increasing, It may be fun, but unfortunately it is not safe space…
Be aware...