Many young people are publishing there content online without thinking about the electronic footprint they leave behind.
Posting information on a websites such as Orkut, Facebook and Dekoh could come back to haunt millions of young people. The youngsters do not realize that the information they are posting on these websites make them traceable in the future. They even didn’t realize it, the information they are posting could be permanently linked to them.
Increasing number of education institutions and employers are using the internet as a tool to find potential employees and potential students. The cost to a person’s future can be high if something undesirable is found by them on these sites.
Millions of new pieces of information being added to the internet every day, many of them are very much personal, but this information are available for the entire world through search engine and social networking site.
As per the statement by senior executive at Facebook, that his company viewed privacy as a major issue. But I think this is not true, recently Facebook announced there new product "Facebook adds", in that he is going to share your personal information to the merchants, and give you specific adds according to your published information.

However, the popularity of websites such as Facebook and MySpace is increasing, It may be fun, but unfortunately it is not safe space…
Be aware...
I think that we are leaving electronic footprints on yahoo e-mail, hotmail, gmail, the hosting company we deal with, flickr, and a lot a lot more website we got used to visit it and use their services everyday.
So can we stop use all these websites??
Can we live without e-mail?? without the hosting company?? without the photo sharing websites??
and the most important question is:
so far how many individuals her/his privacy has been violated by these websites?????? I didn't hear about anyone!!!! Did you??
Therefore, with my complete respect to all the people those calling for protecting our privacy on the internet... I don't agree with you and even I don't think that any of these companies are going to violate out privacy, I think that if it happened it will be from an individual not from a company.
In case you wanted to know, there is a way to hack facebook and steal the personal inforamtion of people, so be ware.
I always suspected this, now I know
And I thought wet footprints on the dock were bad... this is scary! ;)
I have to say though why do you need a page at all what are phones for?
If you want to meet old friends use friend finder websites, not social sites.
delete ur orkut account :D
if I don't delete then...?
Interesting read and you have some good points here of course!
Never the less: If you behave yourself like in real life, and that's what you should, it isn't that bad :-)
If you search for RennyBA, you'll find me most everywhere.
Btw: Thanks for the add at BC! I just love to share about Norway: our culture, traditions and habits - so welcome over!
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